
3/8/13  San Onofre: Secret Report Confirms Edison Knew of Major Problems,  Friends of the Earth News Release

3/6/13  Very interesting article by William Boardman in Global Research  Wireless Smart Meters and Civil Rights

3/6/13 Israeli Scientists find possible link between cell phone use and thyroid cancer

2/23/13 Is Smart Making Us Dumb? Wall Street Journal Article

7/18/12  New Post  by Dariusz Leszczynski In Experts We Trust–or Should We?  Dariusz writes “in the USA the evaluation of health risks and development of appropriate safety standards is prepared in the USA by industry scientists under direction of cell phone manufacturer’s scientist.”   On the same topic, there is also an excellent blog post by researcher Andrew Marino where he discusses specific industry hired or affiliated scientists. (I’ll add link later)

Smart Meter Disrupts Man’s Pacemaker 

Victory in Maine:  Maine’s  Supreme Court Rules that the state Public Utility Commission “failed to resolve health and safety concerns when it approved Central Maine Power’s plan” to install smart meters.   

PG&E “Spy” Case Taken Up by CPUC. Says Josh Hart of Stop Smart Meters:  “Privacy and civil liberties advocates are watching this case and asking if we can’t trust the utility industry not to read our e-mails and spy on us, how can we trust them not to share details of our private lives that they acquire from the smart meter?” More info here

CPUC Releases Scope for Phase Two Smart Meter Hearings. The topics (such as cost and accommodations for those who need to opt out for health reasons, whether the utilities can give  us a non analog meter replacement at some later time) once ruled could make or break the opt out–so we need to pay attention and give feedback directly to the CPUC.


If you think 75 dollars to Opt Out is High, read this Consumer Digest article about how much your smart meter is costing you and who’s profiting.  Why Smart Meters May Be a Dumb IdeaDiscusses “time of use,” “planned obsolescence” and  “corporate interests  working in lock step to push this on consumers.” It’s like a Stampede of Greed.

Big News for SCE Customers: Consumer Power Alliance has Won 120 Day Moratorium on Opt Out Fees. See Burbank Action Article for important info.

6/2/12 Don Maisch article :Your Environmental Exposures Might Haunt your Great Grandchildren. Maisch discusses in first half of article people’s increased exposure to toxic chemicals such as BPA’s and then connects it to issues related to electromagnetic radiation (EMR) exposure.  What’s interesting is he gives an example where EMR is not “the poison” but rather the conduit for the poison:

“Of importance here is the evidence that EMR exposure can cause leakage through the blood-brain barrier (BBB) – therefore allowing chemicals already circulating in the bloodstream to enter the brain and do cause damage on a neurological level. Now consider the implications of the rat study findings by researchers at Washington State University on chemical exposures of rats and the effects on their descendants (below). It would be interesting to re-run the experiment but this time also expose a number of rats to both vin­clo­zolin and EMR to see what additional effect that might have on their offspring.”-Don Maisch


SoCalGas Submits Opt Out Plan Which is Full of Hot Air:  Would Require S0Cal ratepayers (who are SCE and SoCalGas customers)  to pay  fees to both utilities (doubling the opt out costs)–while PG&E and SDG&E customers’ opt out fee includes both electric and gas.  See article by Heather Bryden of Consumers Power Alliance

What good will an Opt Out Do for those who can’t afford the fees?  See Josh Hart’s article from August 2011Why Smart Meters are a Class Issue


Stop Smart Meters website does a follow up to SMUD utility (Sacramento Municipal Utility District) officials last February ridiculing their own customers and planning a sham opt out option.   Writes Stop Smart Meters in their new post They Can Really Afford a lot of Tin Foil Hats:We contacted SMUD spokesman Chris Capra today and asked him if it was SMUD policy to ridicule its customers with disabilities.  He told SSM! these comments were  “made in response to those who have overreacted  (to the deployment).” So their customers concerns about health,  safety, and privacy are an overreaction? 



5/23/12 Letter by Janet Newtson of EMR Policy Institute Details Smart Meter Safety Issues the media (AP)  forgot to report. Newton cites scientists such as Dr. Daniel Hirsch:   Newton  also discusses inadequacies  the National Academy of Science found with FCC Safety Limits such as: * Studies focusing on possible adverse RF effects identified by changes in cognitive performance functions. * Effects of RF exposure to the sensitive biological targets of neural networks. * Possible effects of RF exposure on fetal and neonatal development. * Possible influences of exposure on the structure and function of the immune system


5/16/12 Are we not going to be able to purchase appliances without radiation emitting RF Chips? This article is about potential privacy issues: How the CIA Uses Your Appliances and RFID Chips to Spy on You. Anoher Article: CIA Director David Petraeus: We Will Spy on Americans Through Electrical Appliances


5/9/12 Southern California Edison Customers as of 5/9/12 may opt out of Smart Meters immediately.  Call 1-800-810-2369.    Do Cell Phones Damage Your Health? “Figures just published by the UK’s Office of National Statistics found a 50 percent increase in frontal and tempoaral lobe tumors in children between 1999 and 2009.”


4/27/12 New Theory on How Mobile Phones Could Cause Cancer.


4/27/12  “CPUC: PG&E Smart Meter Opt Out Fees Suspended.”  Read about it at Stop Smart Meters!  They advise:   “Regardless PG&E customers should still inform the utility of their choice to reject smart meters by May 1st and to either protest the fees or write “paid under protest” on their check.  PG&E  customers should call 1-866-743-0263 immediately to opt out.”


4/21/12 Iris Atzmon has written a “reader rebuttal” in The Washington Times “Smart Meter: A Disinformation Based Technology.” Lively debate follows the article The CPUC Opt Out Ruling Only Applies to Personal Residences.  What can businesses do? See “Commercial PG&E Smart Meter Opt out Letter” in  EMF Safety Network.


4/9/12  Japanese Ambassador has Grave Concerns Over the Spent Fuel Pond Above Fukishima Reactor #4.  It contains 85 times more Cesium-137 than Chernobyl. Akio Matsumura writes: “Many of our readers might find it difficult to appreciate the actual meaning of the figure, yet we can grasp what 85 times more Cesium-137 than the Chernobyl would mean. It would destroy the world environment and our civilization. This is not rocket science, nor does it connect to the pugilistic debate over nuclear power plants. This is an issue of human survival.”


4/8/12 Three Recent Articles  by scientist Dariusz Leszczyynski (who was part of the WHO working Group in May, 2011,  which declared radio frequency electromagnetic radiation a class 2b carcinogen.  See also the interesting discussion which continues in the comments section. 1. You have been Warned: Cell Phone Radiation is a Possible Carcinogen 2.European Experts in Disarray over EHS–Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity. 3.“Professional Debunker” from Germany Ridicules Yale Study. 


3/20/12  Some Utilities Offering “Sham” Opt Outs. To Read about the 2/29/12 Sacramento Municipal Utility District’s board of director’s committee meeting, see this link. I revised it and added more notes and quotes from the tape and also info regarding Burbank/Glendale Opt outs.


3/19/12 Blogger Edward Hasbrouk: Smart meters are  a “bug” that rate payers are being forced to allow in their homes for the utility companies’ profit. Hasbrouk filed complaint with CPUC.  See Stop Smart Meters! “More Orwellian Twists: Not Being Home Means “Opting Out” and How Your Home is Now a Wireless Facility.”  Hasbrouk writes in his complaint “if PG&E is allowed to use existing on-premises gas and electric usage meters as the basis for a claim of entitlement to install digital mesh network antennae and transceivers for third-party data at current meter locations, AT&T could, on the same basis, claim the “right” to replace the telephone junction box inside my home with a cellphone antenna and base station, without compensation, indemnification, or consent….



3/16/12 New article in Washington Times on US National Cancer Institute study on cell phones and brain tumors.  See Dr. Joel Moskowitz’s comment.   Also see Louis Slesin’s article on the NCI study in Microwave News.


3/13/12 An Australian Telco technician who drove a tank through town destroying antennas is back.


3/10/12    Are the FCC guidelines protective of the public’s health? Why haven’t they been updated to reflect the flood of studies which have shown biological and health effects from levels as much as 10,000 times below the current FCC standards?  In a  newly published  article “A Primer on the FCC Guidelines for the Smart Meter Age,”  Amy O’Hair of Stop Smart Meters! (and the youtube videos ThisIrradiatedLife) shines a light on the obscure and technical workings of the FCC.  This article with its wealth of information about an often obscure topic presented so clearly will empower the reader.  “If I had to recommend to someone that they read one document to get up to speed, that would be the one. It’s that good of a primer.  Extremely well written.”–Gary Garshfield, M.D.   And it’s free. See Stop Smart Meters! and share.


3/10/12 2007 Article RF Chips in Humans Approved by FDA a few years back even though there were animal studies showing the chips had “induced malignant tumors in some lab mice and rats.”


3/9/12 Helpful Chart. It shows Different Countries’ Standards. Then it Shows “Biological Effects of Microwaves Below U.S. and Canada’s Regulatory Limit” 3/8/12.Glendale/Burbank Smart Meter Opt Out Approved: The fees are exorbitant, Glendale does not offer an analog option, but rather a radio off smart meter which will still emit radiation.  Burbank is offering a one time opt out only which needs to be chosen in 60 days and doesn’t make allowances for if you move to a different residence. Here’s an article in the Glendale News Press, but also check Burbank Action for more details.


3/8/12 Do we really need “smart” meters to track energy usage? Are they even effective? The utility companies say yes.  However, for all the billions of dollars in federal stimulus money they are getting, they are advising customers to in effect go outside with a flashlight,  push bushes aside, get cobwebs in one’s hair and put one’s face directly up to a radiation emitting Smart Meter in order to collect imprecise information about one’s energy usage.  All this money for this grand scheme (even funding environmental groups to help sell it) when there have been simple devices which work with analog meters which do a better job.  See GE Bypasses Smart Meters


3/7/12 See StopSmartMeters.Org’s new post:  “The Real Story: Millions of Analogs Still Out There and People Refusing to Pay Extortionate Fees.”


3/7/12. FCC Cell Phone Safety Guidelines Underestimate Harmful Radiation Absorbed by Children and Small Adults. This is a new study using more updated measurement method (FDTD)  which shows children are absorbing more radiation than thought and perhaps half the cell phones would exceed FCC limits.


3/6/12  “New Federal Law Changes Local Zoning Rules for Wireless Antenna Sitings”    It sounds like this law signed by Obama makes it harder for local governments to stop telecom industry from adding (co-locating) additional antennas (more power; more radiation)  to existing sites.  Politicians doing their best to take care of that 1%, I guess. For the other 99%, I suggest, going to this site sponsored by to sign a petition to congress to repeal section 704 of the 1996 Telecom Act. 


3/4/12 Article in The Santa Barbara Independent about Edison’s roll out of smart meters and what residents need to do to opt out.  Goleta City Council voted unanimously to send a letter to the CPUC to protest the installation.  Article also discusses Cindy Sage’s testing of smart meters versus the utility company’s testing: “SCE is apparently relying on a 2010 report by a consultant for the industry-financed Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), which mainly consisted of measurements from two artificial smart-meter test farms in Southern California and South Carolina and a five-minute street test. . . . This hardly seems a basis on which to charge into a long-term experiment on human health and radio waves. . . .  “What is lacking in this and other…reports on smart meters is recognition that many tens or hundreds of thousands of meters are installed at very close proximity to occupied space in homes,” notes the Sage critique. These smart meters “talk” to each other 24/7 as well as send pulses of data to collector cells for relay to the whole network; I’ve seen no measurements on how high the radio-frequency levels are around these special cells.”


2/27/12: Why isn’t this on the Front Page of The New York Times, et al?  Investigative Journalist Mona Nilsson: Scientists Lied About Enquired Data [Cordless Phone Use] in Largest Study on Mobile Phone Brain Tumour Risks Nilsson writes:  “A proven brain tumour risk is a catastrophe for this very rich and powerful industry that involves many of the largest companies in the world. It could even bring down the whole world economy: “A link between this technology and cancer would prove an economic as well as a medical catastrophe.”8


2/24/12 People Suffering (Immediate) Effects: EHS

1. Paul Doyon discusses (in comments section of Is the Smart Meter Scare Justified?”) Electro-hyper-sensitivity.   “Anyway, I had been reading this blog of a person who had been suffering from both Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Crohn`s Disease and he had all kinds of interesting theories about what was going on. One day, on his blog, he wrote something to the extent of “It was the microwaves. It was the electromagnetic pollution. I moved out of my apartment in a big European city and into my parents` house in the French countryside and all. .  .  .”

2.  Letter in Ottawa Citizen: Don’t Underestimate the Effects of Wi Fi


PG&E Charging to Return Old Meters:  Letter:  “Charging me to get back what was taken without my permission and then $120 a year to read them is hardly what I would call a choice. PG&E, your customer service (stinks).” Texas Smart Meter Showdown. Power Company ONCOR  has turned off power on January 31, 2012, of one resident with heart condition.  Another resident, an investigative journalist, whose husband is a retired U.S Army Colonel and disabled, hired a constitutional law attorney to go “nose to nose” with the power company.


2/20/12 “Do Cell Phones Cause Acoustic Neuroma? This is an excellent, clearly written article (I think written by a physician) which references and describes supporting scientific research.  It is a good article to share with friends and family who may not know much about this topic.

2/19/12 Is the “Smart Meter” Scare Justified? Provocative article in the Washington Times by respected scientist Dariusz Leszcznski (who is not, however, a specialist in Smart Meters). There are some great comments including three from Alasdair Philips of 


2/14/12:  The link for the Lancet Article. . .in the Wi Fi 5 G post is actually the summary of the WHO IARC ruling of RF Electromagnetic Fields as a class 2b carcinogen. I got that link from Louis Slesin’s site. I have tried on many occasions to get that article via The Lancet and it was near impossible.  Here is the link for the WHO IARC Summary of their decision.   (You have to sign up first–but it’s free).  And here is the link to Louis Slesin’s, PhD, excellent web site Microwave News.


UW Scientist Henry Lai Makes Waves in the Cell Phone Industry 2/13/12.  2011 article in by Naomi Ishisaka about Dr. Henry Lai’s work, including his analysis of  cell phone studies for the Bioinitiative report.  A paragraph from the article: Lai’s frustration with the increasing body of contradictory research led him to do an analysis in 2006 of the available studies on cell phone radiation between 1990 and 2006, and where their funding came from. What he found was that 50 percent of the 326 studies showed a biological effect from radio-frequency radiation and 50 percent did not. But when he filtered the studies into two stacks ­those funded by the wireless industry and those funded independently ­Lai discovered industry-funded studies were 30 percent likely to find an effect, as opposed to 70 percent of the independent studies.


2/7/12.  Cordless Phones Emit as Much Radiation as Cell Phones Actually, cordless phones, as the article says, can emit even more radiation than a cell phone. Their base unit is like a mini cell tower. It emits pulsed radiation 24/7–even if the phone isn’t being used.


2/7/12 “UK Offers Voluntary Smart Meters, While CPUC Requires Fees to Opt-Out”   Burbank Action Article  (Issues and Actions to Take for California Ratepayers)


2/6/12 This article has information about upcoming “smart” meter opt-out ruling by CPUC for Edison and San Diego Gas & Electric.  They said it will come sometime in March. StopSmartMeters.Org. has helpful article for PG&E customers about the process of getting your analog meters back. “What do I Do Now? Confusing Reports and Mixed Signals.”


2/3/12. Articles/Reaction to the CPUC Smart Meter Opt Out Ruling. 1. Here is a nicely written positive article  about the CPUC ruling from the blog Truthout. “Smart Meter Scoop: California Launches Opt Out Program” by Mike Ludwig. 2.  Here is the opposite point of view from a blog called Intelligent Utility.  The author, Kate Rowland,  of this article“From Health Claims to Orwellian accusations, CPUC Stings some”—well, I’ll let her speak for herself.


2/1/12 This is rough draft first impressions of CPUC meeting. I have to go. . .will revise this later. . .11:52 AM 2/1/12. The CPUC which seems bloated with industry insiders (utilities, silicon valley, perhaps people even looking for future lucrative jobs in the wireless field) voted to approve a proposal which will allow California residents to pay a 75 dollar upfront “install” fee [even if you already have an analog] and a ten dollar monthly fee to have an analog meter option –this despite almost two hours of public comments from over 60 speakers who spoke against being charged. [The analog opt out does not help those who live above banks of 42 meters, as one speaker described;  or those still made sick by their neighbors near by smart meters.) As one speaker said “We Should be a Smart Meter Free State.”   “Some people will never be happy,” said Commissioner Feron .   President Peevey used his time at the podium to talk about how the White House had sent their energy czar to California and to promote the “smart” grid. . . Virtually every speaker present spoke against “Smart” meters–and even people who came to talk about other issues (to preserve 911 service for landlines) lent their support and put in a word against “smart” meters.   Perhaps the lack of “pro-smart meter speakers concerned Commissioner Simon as he later  used some of his podium time to lobby beneficiaries of the wireless to speak up.  He said that the argument has been “one-sided.”     The commissioners in some moments laughed at the public speakers;   (said “close the door” when the speakers were leaving and President Peevey muttered “Jesus Christ,” when still another person got up to speak against smart meters. [2/3/12 Revised piece is here]


1/31/12 From Josh Hart of press release: “CPUC to Vote Wednesday [February 1, 2012] on Flawed Smart Meter Opt out Policy.  Critics say Extortionate Fees are Illegal; Entire Program Should be Scrapped:  The California Public Utilities Commission. . .is set to vote on a plan this Wednesday to charge Californians hundreds of dollars per year simply to retain standard electric and gas analog meters on their homes.” -Josh Hart, The meeting will start at 9 AM. To view it live, here is the video Link;  or if that doesn’t work, an  Audio Link


1/27/12 “Why Turn Our Homes Into Giant Microwave Ovens?” blogger Cindy Larson asks in her article which gives an overview of problems with “smart” meters, presented in a “talking point” style with news sources. Greek Researchers Show Crucial Regions of the Brain Related to Learning, Memory, Alzheimer’s Impacted by Whole Body EMF Exposure in Animals 1/24/12  Santa Cruz Health Officer Discloses Findings on Smart Meters.   Local Santa Cruz News Coverage (Video) Researchers Find Smart Meters Could Reveal TV Shows Magda Havas, PhD, has a new video out which explains not all RF frequencies are alike.  There are frequencies which doctors and researchers are using which benefit our cells and can promote healing; and different (harmful) frequencies (such as what is used in Smart Meters and Wi Fi) which can damage our cells.


1/23/12 On Line Book on Smart Meters Now Available Meters that Endanger: Shocking Details From a Whistleblower.  Article by Amy O’Hair of about an Alabama lawsuit by a former employee (an engineer with 15 years experience) of “Southern Company” who was fired after he complained of flaws with the “smart” meters which could “cause serious harm or injury.” These included “faulty components” which “did not meet industry standards” such as “hot socket alarm” and meters having a “tendency to drastically overheat and melt or burn.”


1/18/12 “Revised PG&E  Smart Meter Opt-Out Proposal Has Arrived”


1/12/12.  Naperville Signatures Thrown Out, Squelches Debate Said the Naperville group’s attorney: “There must be something really, really wrong with these smart meters that they are willing to go this length to squelch even the debate about them. This is a nonbinding referendum. It’s advisory. We’re far from done.” 1/7/12 Privacy, Security, Viruses,Hacking and Reprogramming Issues with Smart Meters.  This articleuses an interesting format in that the blog writer interviews an electrical engineer who comments on the Q and A Fact sheet that the utility company distributed. So the article shows the questions and then two answers. . .which is a great contrast.


1/6/12 New: Gary Null  Radio Interview of Dr. David Carpenter, and Joshua Hart of StopSmartMeters.OrgDr. Carpenter discusses health effects of EMF’s.  “Whole body” exposures to EMF’s such as from “smart” meters, wi fi result in more leukemias  whereas cell phones (directly placed on head) exposure comes out as brain cancer. Dr. Carpenter has a very strong statement about the studies and brain cancer, which I will transcribe when I next listen to it.  Dr. Carpenter is a very well respected public health physician who’s been studying EMF’s for decades.


1/5/12 Naperville to use police escorts to force “smart” meters on homes.


1/5/12 City Council in Sterling, Michigan adopts moratorium against “smart” meters.


12/30/11 Keep Track of Your Babyby Attaching a Radiation Emitting Tracking Device to his/her Jammies!


12/30/11 Naperville, Illinois, Smart Meter Awareness GroupFiles Federal Injunction to Stop Smart Meter Deployment.


12/28/11 What is it with WHO? Smart Meter Debate on 12/27/11 (see below) brings up interesting question. Why does the WHO website say that to date there are no adverse effects from the radiation from cell phones but also in their IARC document classify the radiation as a Class 2B Possible Carcinogen because of increased incidence of gliomas (a kind of brain cancer). From WHO Info Sheet, June 2011 “Are there any health effects? A large number of studies have been performed over the last two decades to assess whether mobile phones pose a potential health risk. To date, no adverse health effects have been established as being caused by mobile phone use.” From WHO Press Release Lyon, France, May 31, 2011 ‐‐ The WHO/International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has classified radiofrequency electromagnetic fields as possibly carcinogenic to humans (Group 2B), based on an increased risk for glioma, a malignant type of brain cancer1, associated with wireless phone use.


12/27/11. Update: This is the response I got from Devra Davis of Environmental Health Trust. I had sent her a question asking about “safer” cell phones:No such thing as a safer cell phone as the SAR can change depending on carrier, how you hold it, where you use it etc. We advocate for safe cell phone use- distance is your friend. Should not be held to the head or kept on while on the body. And please do not sleep with it on near you! If it must be kept on while on the body turn the keypad toward the body as the antenna is in the back. But best to keep it in a briefcase, backpack or doctor’s back. Do they still use them? Or turn it off while on the body. Hope this helps.” Here is a link to an expert conference/gathering from 2009 on cell phone radiation which Davis organized.


Smart Meter Debate on Industry Website An article about “Smart” Meters from an industry type web site.  It disparaged health issues, but did admit to cybersecurity problems. I don’t usually post comments I make to other blogs on my own blog, but I wanted to copy this because of the “future generation” concern. Melissa Levine 12/27/11 4:00 PM In 2009 at a conference on Cell Phone radiation, Dr. Thun of the “cautious” American Cancer Society said of a study by Hardell which showed increased brain tumors from cell phone radiation (which is the same as Smart Meters emit)  if Dr. Hardell’s “results are correct, it is very impressive and disturbing.”  In May 2011, Hardell’s study was a key factor in the World Health Organization classifying RF electromagnetic radiation a class 2b carcinogen. The issue is not just “smart” meters but the constant low level exposure of non ionizing radiation which is being brought into our homes (via new appliances which will have RF transmitters) and slapped on to the side of our homes (via the Smart Meter).  I personally am taking precautions and making educated choices about limiting this exposure.  But what about children? What about all the people (you can’t see, smell, hear or touch it, after all) who completely unaware are being exposed to this radiation? This same radiation which Smart Meters emit has been found in reputable peer reviewed studies to cause double strand DNA breakage. There was even a study with cows where the 7th generation became infertile. What about our responsibility to future generations—their chance to live full and healthy lives?  It is true that there is no solid proof yet that some of these deleterious effects are going to happen.  “Proof” like that will come after the possible damage.  There are though enough concerning warning signs and studies that we should be practicing the precautionary principle and not be installing such devices on people’s homes.  Melissa Levine, PS.  Microwave radiation is continuous; smart meter radiation is “pulsed” on and off tens of thousands of times in a 24 hour period). Pulsed radiation is thought to be the more damaging.


12/23/11 Are Wireless Meter’s Mandatory?This article from Burbank Action has a lot of detail and document links about whether the federal government is “requiring” residents to have “smart” wireless meters.  Apparently (thank goodness), it is not a federal requirement.  This is why some people have said that we really should be having an “opt in” program, not an opt out. My question is–so the federal government can’t force us to have this–but can the state government force its residents?


12/23/11 Radio Interview with Sandi Mauer of EMF Safety Network discussing issues regarding PG&E’s decision to request an analog meter options 12/22/11


New Interview with epidemiologist Dr. Sam Milham on Eon3emf site.  Dr. Milham has a hypothesis that many of the diseases of the past century (such as leukemia) are because of “electromagnetic field exposure.” He discusses the reasons for the hypothesis and explains “dirty electricity,” which is an issue with Smart Meters and many of our electronics.  While there are  of course other causes of disease, his hypothesis is troubling and there might be something to it.  His book Dirty Electricity tells about his work as an epidemiologist.  He’s done some very skillful work with this, including an analysis/study of a cancer cluster at a school in Southern California, which showed “that high frequency voltage transients (called”dirty electricity” by the utility industry) was a potent universal carcinogen.” (xii, Milham)


Article about New York resident Michelle Hertz who had health issues after ConEdison installed a Smart Meter.


12/22/11. I’m doing some research on acquiring a “safer” cell phone for my husband. He just started using one a year ago. He’s a doctor, and he used to use a beeper.  I have since heard that some people think the beepers are safer as they only receive rather than transmit.  I wrote to Devra Davis. I also wrote to a group which I just googled called Environmental Working Group.  I asked them whether the radiation was “pulsed” or continuous. Also, had they done their own independent testing of the phones or were they just relying on the manufacturer’s report.   I will report back as I get more info.


Smart Meters: The Radiation’s Trajectory.  I am doing field study research on where the radiation goes (its pathway) from the Smart Meters. It seems to me–that there is higher radiation at higher (would this word be correct) “altitude”–that is I am picking up readings on the second floor and very high readings on the third floor. .  . So does the Smart Meter radiation go “up?”  (to be continued).

12/19/11. PG&E Offers to Let Customers Have an “analog” meter Option

(See article) This is good news.  We need to demand that Edison do the same. (Just last week they  did a police raid on two apartments in Covina and San Gabriel (it was quite over the top) to remove a landlady’s analog meters–that she had installed via an electrician to protect her tenants from the radiation. I suggest that we write to SCE–demanding our rights to have safe analog meters. It is a wonderful victory-but it is a partial victory (and not yet approved by CPUC).  It is partial because they will be installing radiation emitting “repeater” devices in the neighborhood which will act as relays for the “smart” meters. So  they could give someone an analog and then install a repeater very close by. Also, they could charge an arm and a leg.  Also, what about the multi-family housing banks of meters issue? But for the utilities (or one utility) which are actually monopolies–to even offer this is definitely good news.


12/17/11 Judge Yip Kikuwawa of the CPUC extended the deadline for comments on Southern California Edison and San Diego Gas and Electric’s  “opt out” proposal. The deadline for comments is January 17, 2011. I will post the proposals soon.


12/17/11. PG&E backed down and returned power to their customers who had replaced their “Smart” meters with analogs because of health effects from the pulsed radiation. See and EMF SafetyNetwork for more info on this–as well as this television news report.


12/12/11  San Luis Obispo.  Smart Meter Man Chased off Property.


12/10/11. Will the FCC Eliminate Landline Telephone Service? See this article which discusses (at end) plans by the FCC to eliminate all landlines.  Landline phones are the only ones that work in a power outage.  They also do not emit RF radiation.  Eliminating landlines will force people to bring more radiation emitting devices into our homes.  While it is important especially to keep children away from cell phones (because their brains absorb more radiation), this will leave no choice but to expose our children and families to a possible class 2b carcinogen. The article states that once the FCC makes a proposed ruling, then we will have only 30 days to comment before they actually rule. There will be lobbyists from industry who will be pushing for this because of the money they can make installing the new wireless system.   I recommend we contact our elected officials now.


What you Won’t read in the Edison and SoCalGas (or their lapdog Electric Power Research Institute) Fact Sheets. Andrew Goldsworthy describes (scroll down to his “PS”) how non thermal levels of non ionizing radiation can have  “unwanted biological effects.”


Wireless Ubiquitous: “Smart” Appliances with radiation emitting transmitters 12/5/11 See RF Appliance Warning by Cindy Sage in EMF Safety Network Website. The government and industry are not just irradiating the public space via Smart Meters, but they are also rolling out “smart” appliances,” which you all need to be aware of. These “smart” appliances have contained within them an RF transmitter, which emits radiation.See this post from Cindy Sage in EMF Safety Network where she discusses a call she got from Dr. Sam Milham who measured the appliances” emissions. You will, if you are unaware, be bringing radiation, along with your new washer, dryer or refrigerator, right into your home.  Those appliances’ emissions will then mix with your wi fi, cordless phones and other devices creating a radiation “soup.” Some of the manufacturers have already rolled these out.  One example that I wrote about recently are the printers which are being sold.   I have visited Office Max, Office Depot  and Staples, and they have already converted almost all of their stock of printers to wireless, which emit radiation in the turned on, plugged in mode, even if you are not using it. As someone else has commented, the last thing manufacturers want is a warehouse full of unsold “smart” appliances. So expect to see a lot of advertising and promotions to sell these items, but they won’t tell you about the radiation.  They have, for example, a “cash for appliances” program (similar to cash for clunkers) which will encourage consumers to get rid of their old appliances and “do the right thing” and purchase “smart” appliances. It could become quite difficult, if they are successful, to find safe non radiation emitting appliances.  We consumers, though actually have the power of our pocketbooks  We can also start a letter writing campaign to the manufacturers and stores which sell or plan to sell them. I will post more detail about our national letter writing campaign in the near future. 12/2/11 Unobstructed, a Smart Meter’s transmission range (its radiation span) is 1200 feet according to Itron manufacturer). Itron representative’s response to question from Sandi Maurer of EMF Safety Network at  9/14/11 CPUC workshop.


CPUC 12/1/11 meeting, Public Commentson Smart Meters.   Many speakers discussed electro hypersensitivity type symptoms they’ve experienced since “Smart” Meters were installed (including heart arrhythmia).  A doctor talked about the radiation being cumulative, so more people might become this way.  She said Smart Meters are a “dangerous technology.”


Cell Phones 1.   Interview with inventor of an “App” to monitor Cell Phone Radiation. See also Telegraph article “Apple blocks App that warns users of radiation levels.”   According to the article, Apple blocked it because it “would create confusion for iPhone owners.” 2.  New Dr. Devra Davis video interviewon Cell Phone safety.


Low Level Radiation’s Effect on Sight Question.  If RF radiation can damage eyesight (such as cause cataracts) as studies have shown and also as Cindy Sage mentions in her report (that is the eyes are especially vulnerable because they have difficulty cooling), then I wonder what the effect of not only “Smart” meters but other radiation emitting devices which people are directly staring at (such as IPADs  and electronic readers) will be?


11/30/11 (consumer advocacy group) calls for Governor Brown to replace Michael Peevey, head of the CPUC.  Mark Toney, executive director of Turn,  writes,  “The root of the problem is that for the past decade, the CPUC has been guided by a misguided philosophy—regulation in the corporate interest.” See full article here.


11/29/11 Amy O’Hair Article (from last May) on Smart Meter radiation.


11/26/11  Radio Interview: Josh Hart from and Dr. Karl Maret are interviewed along with two electrosensitive persons, Winifred Thomas, and Dr. India Whitehouse.  Dr. Maret refers to “Smart” meters as “microwave transmitters” attached to our houses.  I like that.  Let’s call this as it is.   He also says this is an “epidemiological experiment.”

11/24/11  Article which discusses effect of RF radiation on the blood


11/24/11  The Secret Life of Michael PeeveyArticle on Michael Peevey, head of the CPUC and former executive of Southern California Edison.  As one person commented this  is  just “shocking.”  I’m shocked, shocked to find that gambling is going on in here! –Casablanca


Big Gun Environmental Groups: Whose Side are They Really On? Here is a link to an article in Stop Smart by Josh Hart about certain established environmental groups such as The Sierra Club  and The Environmental Defense Fund and their promotion of the electrosmog creating Smart Grid (even against wishes of their grassroots members).  There are some financials ties that some of these groups have with the Smart Grid roll out.  I will write more about this later, but I wanted to highlight this for others especially in Southern California doing research.


11/23/11 CPUC’s proposal to charge people to have a “a radio off” Smart Meter. 1. See Article in San Francisco paper. This meter will also emit, it is stated, “tiny” amounts of RF–but we have no other information on this.  What do they mean by “tiny?” Also, with the powered down Smart Meters, would they still be able to remotely access and adjust the meters? Third, even if they do not emit any RF at all,  Dr. Sam Milham,  (he did the seminal research on the link between electrical lines and childhood leukemia)  has written that he is actually more concerned about other health issues with the Smart Meters from dirty electricity.  Here is a link to a letter he wrote to the CCST last January.  (I will write more about this later) 2. See also the EMF Safety Network article on this topic (and the excellent comments following).


Here is Link to Irvine City Council 11/22/11.  I spoke about Smart Meters and Health Issues.  Scroll to 1:01 on the video.


11/19/11 Naperville (Illinois) Citizens Rock! Thirty five from their group gathered over 4000 signatures in 25 days protesting Smart Meters.  They gave empassioned speeches to the City Council, which in their state has more jurisdiction over the Smart Meters.  Their City Council is spending millions on consultants to promote its “Smart” grid.  Their comments (see videos) to the City Council (they discuss property and privacy rights) are interesting–and another reminder of how dumb this “Smart” Meter program really is.


11/18/11 EMF Safety Network has a page on their site called “Shortcut to Science” which contains dozens of abstracts or summaries of peer reviewed studies on the effects of RF radiation.


11/18/11 Book Recommendation.  I highly recommend the book Disclosure by Devra Davis. It reads like a thriller (makes for a cozy read on a rainy day, while at the same time educating the reader about science and RF). From back cover blurb: “More than five billion cell phones are currently in use, and that number increases every day. Yet, the latest research ties cell phone radiation to lowered sperm counts, an increased risk of Alzheimer’s, and certain types of cancer.  What are cell phone companies doing to increase public safety? And how far will they go to protect their interests?”


11/16/11 Devil’s Advocate type questions regarding cell phone dangers answered by Environmental Health Trust at Berkeley civic forum on cell phones.


11/14/11  LA Times has article on supposed energy savings via adjusting the way customers are charged (Smart Meters).   The article seems very pro industry, but the comments are great.  (I later added one of my own.)


Scientists with Conflict of Interest (close ties to wireless industry)  This is in relation to the Brussels conference.


RF Standards. I’m still learning about the RF standards/limits (how to use the analyzer; what the numbers mean; how to accurately compare the FCC limits which are 15 years old (Sage says based on “old science”) with what is actually safe as determined by independent, non industry funded health experts.   This video by Cindy Sage is interesting in that she holds up a bar graph chart which compares the FCC cell phone frequency limits versus the actual level where bio-effects take place.   There is a major difference in the two. . .

11/13/11 1. Excellent New article by Susan Brinchman in Le Mesa Patch about bio effects of RF radiation and also actions to take regarding Smart Meters. 2. Video  of B. Blake Levitt, eminent science writer discussing RF radiation and its impact on humans and other life, the 96 telecom act and also how the government standards are to make “systems” work without considering biological effect. 3. Audio of Berkeley Cell Phone Safety Public Forum. 11/8/11. Debate/presentations by wireless “expert”; and independent scientists, Devra Davis and Moskowitz.  Listen to the  wireless expert; then hear Davis smack their expert  down. . . .


11/12/11.  This video by Dr. Devra Davisneeds to be viewed by  everyone.  I will discuss and embed video later on home page.   Davis was part of the group, with Al Gore, that won the Nobel Prize.


11/7/11 New research by Russian Academy of Scientists: Cell Phone Use in Children and Cognitive Decline


Local Blog Debate on Smart Meters 11/6/11: See  Jeff Gallagher’s Blog Our Town Tustin.  Maureen Homan is the co-founder of


Glendale Smart Meter Forum, Thursday, November 10, 2011 See Burbank Actionfor info. (Cindy Sage, among others, will probably be extremely interesting speaker.)


Complaint Database 11/4/11. Amy from sent this  link to create a complaint data base “of customers who are opposed to the Smart Meter programs.”   It looks very helpful. There is even a sample letter.  Here, also, is the CPUC link to file a complaint on line.  It’s crucial that we send our complaints to the CPUC.


 Southern California Gas’s “Advanced” Meters:  Important to Research Now A speaker at Tustin City Council said he thought there might be similar or worse issues with the Gas meters (but I have also heard that they will not emit that much RF). I called and the Gas company said they won’t be installing until mid-2012.  They have a sheet on web site regarding their “Advanced” meter.


SDG&E  Submits  Data to CPUC: Smart Meters May Transmit 25,916 Times in 24 Hours

11/1/11 Susan Brinchman, Director and Founder, Center for Electrosmog Prevention forwarded technical data which SDG&E submitted to Administrative Law Judge Amy Kikugawa, of the CPUC.  Susan wrote: “Here is the technical data that proves these meters are virtually constantly transmitting as had previously been denied and avoided, for example,  “The maximum number of transmissions in a 24-hour period is ~25,916( 18 times/minute or ~ once every 3.3 seconds)” (SDG&E). No wonder we are feeling ill. Our bodies are jolted every few seconds with constant, pulsed microwave radiation emissions, which many scientists warn about, consistent with the measurements at my home and other places around our county and state.”

Ms. Brinchman also discussed the issue of the Smart Meters which are activated and another type of Smart Meter which is deactivated (that is not connected to the “radio”) There is a concern that these Smart Meters  would also emit RF.   Ms. Brinchman wrote:

“Please note that SDG&E admits that radio off electronic solid state meters and smart meters are the same in that both emit rf all the time, which is why we want analog meters (electromechanical), not electronic digital as opt-outs. “The unintentional RF signals from the meter’s solid state electronics will remain virtually unchanged with the radio turned off or removed.” (SDG&E, ).


Michael Bevington’s Study 11/1/11. I read, today, as discussed in EHS section of this blog, a somewhat alarming document about health effects of RF. It was alarming because  I  hadn’t realized the science was so solid–or “solidly leaning” might be better phrase in terms of  the health effects.  Reading this stuff is a bit like “waking up” in terms of this topic.  Scroll down on the Weep web site to read the Bevington study.

2 Responses to News/Updates

    1. Must-See 4-minute youtube video on Smart meters


    2. The WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION on May 31 2011 placed the Non-ionizing radiation coming from Wireless smart meters (and some other wireless devices) on the Class 2-B Carcinogen List.

    Click to access pr208_E.pdf

    3. The NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF HEALTH Feb 2011 found biological changes in the brain after only minutes of exposure to non-ionizing radiation.

    4. LABORATORY SCIENTISTS have observed
 (1) Human Cell Damage
 (2) DNA Chain Breaks 
(3) Breaches in the Blood-Brain Barrier
 from levels of non-ionizing radiation lower than emitted by WIRELESS Smart meters.

    5. INSURANCE COMPANIES Hired Independent Laboratory Scientists and these scientists also observed Cell Damage and DNA Chain Breaks and now the Insurance Companies will NOT Insure Liability damage from Wireless Smart meters and other wireless devices.
 TV Video (3 minutes)

    Cell Phone use and other devices are Voluntary and can be shut off at the user’s discretion, but Smart meters mounted on homes are emitting radiation 24/7 and can not be shut off.

 Video Interview: Nuclear Scientist, Daniel Hirsch, (5 minutes)

Video Interview: Dr. Carpenter, New York Public Health Department, Dean of Public Health, (2 minutes)

 2-page Press Release

    9. RADIATION MEASURED FROM SMART METER MOUNTED ON A HOME (once active in the utility system) SHOWS RADIATION TRANSMISSION PULSES APPROXIMATELY ONCE EVERY FOUR SECONDS 24 HOURS PER DAY traveling through the bodies and brains of the inhabitants of that home. 
Youtube Video (6 minutes, 1st minute is sufficient)

    NOTE: many of the tests on non-ionizing radiation (the type of radiation emitted by smart meters) have been done using instruments other than smart meters because smart meters have only been in people’s homes for a very short time.

    But as a Wireless smart meter emits 100 times more radiation than a cell phone, it is not difficult to project. If a machine gun (smart meter) fires 100 bullets in the same time that a pistol (cell phone) fires one bullet, it is not difficult to project the harm that the machine gun can inflict, even if the tests were done with the pistol.


    10. Skyrocketing Utility Bills after installation
    TV News Video (3 minutes)

    11. Systemic Smart Meter Billing Errors Over 200% Uncovered in Australia
    TV News Video (7 minutes) – video


    12. CIA Director James Woolsey calls Smart grid “Stupid” due to National Security problems caused by so-called smart meters.
    News Video (1 minute)

  2. Interesting links. Thanks, Robert.

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