Partial Listing of the BioEffects of RF Radiation (from B. Blake Levitt)

The following is a direct quote from  B. Blake Levitt’s 1995 book Electromagnetic Fields  about the bioeffects of radio frequencies.  It is only one paragraph out of many pages where she discusses bioeffects.  I am quoting the paragraph because it is such a well written synopsis of effects of RF and also because of the stark contrast (see discussion of SoCalGas Fact sheet, for example) to the claims by the utility companies that there are no effects.

From Electromagnetic Fields, by B. Blake Levitt:
In humans, EMFs in various frequencies have been found to adversely affect calcium binding at the cell surface, DNA synthesis, and cell division; to alter circadian rhythms, affect or alter some important enzyme activities, and affect specific glands like the pineal and the hypothalamus area of the brain, as well as the production of certain neurotransmitters, like serotonin and dopamine; to increase the permeability of the blood-brain barrier; to create artificial stress responses; to overstimulate the immune system initially, then suppress and decrease T-lymphocyte production; and to promote malignant tumor growth with particular concentrations in the central nervous system, in the blood and skeletal systems, and in glandular tissue.  The eyes, the brain, and the testes seem to be especially prone to abnormal effects from the RF frequencies.  The eye serves to amplify some RF/MW frequencies, which is probably why increases in posterior cataracts have been observed in some microwave workers. (Microwaves are also known to increase drug sensitivity in people taking glaucoma medication.) The testes are very close to the body’s surface, which is probably why increases in testicular cancer have been reported in law-enforcement officers who have rested functioning radar guns in their laps. In addition, it appears that the human anatomy has specific windows of sensitivity at which certain bioeffects have been repeatedly observed, but not at other frequencies.” (356-357)

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